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Join the Great American Campout!

Save The Earth club is participating in this year's 14th Annual Great American Campout sponsored by the National Wildlife Federation! Happy campers protect wildlife, so be sure to take the pledge and get involved this June! While the Great American Campout officially begins June 23rd, with the beginning of Summer we encourage all club members to get outside and start camping responsibly. If you pledge on the following website between now and October, you can also win a week-long stay at a Yogi Bear’s Jellystone Park™ Camp-Resort of your choice!!! Plus, if the National Wildlife Federation reaches 200,000 campers who pledge, it will allow the National Wildlife Federation’s Trees for Wildlife™ program to donate 5000 native trees to help wildlife!

So please be sure to visit the National Wildlife Federation's website to support Ranger Rick and pledge your support online, enter to win the vacation and get camping tips or host a public campout. To pledge your support please visit: Great American Campout

Don't forget to email our club ( or post on the Facebook page to let us know you pledged and share your camping photos!!!


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©2018 by APUS Save The Earth Club.


Save the Earth Club is an independent organization of American Public University System (APUS). Views expressed here are those of the respective participants and do not express the views or opinions of APUS.

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