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Logo Contest!

APUS Save the Earth Club is having a logo contest! The contest is open to all members of the APUS Save the Earth Club and $175 in prizes will be awarded! For more details, please review the information below and the attached rules.

Logo Selection Criteria

The logo should represent the organization’s mission and goals, and reflect characteristics unique to the club.

APUS Save the Earth Club’s Mission:

  • Building Solutions for a Sustainable World

APUS Save the Earth Club’s Goals:

  • Spread general awareness of environmental issues

  • Develop service-oriented plans to encourage the university community to be more focused and involved with maintaining and conserving our environment

Other requirements:

Logo should be submitted in scalable vector format for high-resolution applications or JPG, GIF, or PNG format for lower-resolution applications.

Logo should allow for use in both color and grayscale applications.

Logo may be featured on our Newsletters, Emails, Social Media, Website & Club T-Shirts.

The digital rights to the selected logo will be retained by the APUS Save the Earth Club.

Entries must be submitted by pasting the logo directly onto the body of an email or pasted onto a Word document attached to an email, and sent to the Club email account:

Contest Period: January 1, 2019 through April 30, 2019

Prizes: 1st Place = $100 prize from; 2nd Place=$50 prize from; and 3rd Place=$25 prize from

Logo judging will be by popular vote. Voting for the winners will take place in May 2019 by survey sent to all club members.

For further information, please review the contest rules here: Rules

Good luck, and have fun!


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©2018 by APUS Save The Earth Club.

Save the Earth Club is an independent organization of American Public University System (APUS). Views expressed here are those of the respective participants and do not express the views or opinions of APUS.

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