September National Day of Service Event:
APUS Save the Earth Club will be participating in this year’s National Day of Service on September 11th by creating Paracord Bracelets for the U.S. Military with Operation Gratitude. We ask that all of our members participate throughout the entire month of September by creating and sending at least three bracelets. These bracelets help save lives! In order to participate you will need to purchase 550 Paracord string at your local craft store, Amazon or on eBay. It must be 550, as it is meant to hold up to 550lbs. Please also make sure to choose muted colors that blend with the troops uniforms, such as black, brown, green, tan and camo. Neon, reflective and bright colors are not permitted for the safety of the troops in the field. Once you have purchased your 550 Paracord, follow the below steps:
Cut a piece of 500 Paracord into a 7 ½ foot strip. Singe the ends with a lighter or flame and squeeze them with pliers. This will prevent the Paracord from unraveling.
Attach the following bracelet pattern to a piece of cardboard or a cork board with 4 push pins in the dots. You can also use nails and wood: Paracord Bracelet Pattern
Make your bracelet by following the video on this page: Instruction Video
We also encourage all of our members to write Christmas Cards to be sent to the troops who are deployed overseas. Holiday cards need to be received by Operation Gratitude two to three months prior to the holidays in order for them to reach the service members on time. So by sending them now in September, you will be ensuring that someone will receive warm wishes overseas this holiday season! You may also write general letters of gratitude to Deployed Troops, Veterans, New Recruits, or First Responders. All letters and cards are appreciated! For more information on where to send your Christmas Cards and letters, please click here: Letter Writing
Once you are done creating your bracelets and writing your letters, you may send them all into Operation Gratitude together. You will need to fill out and enclose in your package the following form: Donation Form
Then, send your package to:
Operation Gratitude
ATTN: Letter Writing Program & Paracord Bracelet Program
21100 Lassen Street
Chatsworth, CA 91311-4278
Don’t forget to also email or share on our club Facebook page and let us know how you participated!
As Americans prepare to honor those lost on September 11, 2001 and those who volunteered to serve our country in response to that tragedy, we hope you will consider how your actions pay lasting tribute by volunteering in your community and join us in this worth cause. For more information regarding the National Day of Service, please click here: Background Information for the National Day of Service.